Written on 06/23/2021
Carley Garner

To better serve our diverse clientele, we will be making some changes to our newsletters and trading ideas.

We have come to the conclusion that it no longer makes sense to offer one-size-fits-all trading ideas because of the vast difference in account funding, experience levels, and risk tolerance among our clientele. Further, it is generally a good idea to scale in and out of positions if/when multiple lots are being traded, making an all-in or all-out approach highly inefficient. 

Thus, any trading idea we offer will include a primary (lower risk strategy) along with alternative ideas on higher risk plays (usually involving open-ended risk and margin) as well as some streamlined low-risk ideas (ie. a micro or Small Exchange futures product). 

**We will NOT be following up with an alert to exit the position.** This is because the proper method would be to offset positions incrementally while leaving runners (the all-in or all-out approach has been ineffective; many positions became dramatically more profitable after our exit alert), selling premium around long options as a method of scaling the delta and risk. Even one lot traders are handling various account sizes which call for different levels of aggression or conservatism when determining when to lock in a gain or cut a loss. Additionally, most futures markets are open 23 hours per day, and markets move fast, we don't want clients forgoing the opportunity to exit at prices they are happy to wait for the official alert. 

The changes do NOT mean we aren't here for you, nor will we throw an idea out there and stick our heads in the sand. We will be watching and monitoring positions at all times and will be prepared to assist clients that need help in determining the right course of action for their circumstances. 

After executing one of our trade ideas in your account, you should be monitoring the position and offsetting it according to your personal opinion and situation. If you need help or would like guidance, please reach out to us by email (, text message, or phone at 702-947-0701.

* If you are a broker-assisted or full-service client, we would be happy to discuss your situation and offer ideas and or exit the position for you. 
* If you are a self-directed online trader and need some occasional assistance in the exit process, we don't mind providing quick guidance. 

We believe these changes will improve the overall experience for our clients, and ideally their bottom line. It should also enhance the educational experience and encourage our followers to adhere to their personal risk and financial limits. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know. 

We appreciate your business!  

DeCarley Trading (a Division of Zaner Financial Services)
