REMINDER: Important Information regarding DeCarley availability tomorrow.

Written on 11/30/2020
Carley Garner

As a reminder, we will be out of the office tomorrow afternoon beyond noon Eastern but Zaner's trade desk will be fielding our calls. 

As usual, for assistance, you will simply need to dial our office number (702-947-0701) and Zaner's desk will answer. If for some reason the forwarding doesn't work properly, you can call them directly at **312-277-0150**. As a last resort, feel free to contact Gain's trade desk at **312-706-7272**.

If there is an emergency, you can text our office number (702-947-0701) and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

We appreciate your business!  Please take time to enjoy the holiday season. 

DeCarley Trading (a Division of Zaner Financial Services)