It's finally here, check out Carley Garner's latest option book.

Written on 07/23/2020
Carley Garner

This is a $40 book in disguise! It is priced to move. We want to get all 376 pages of these strategies and hard-learned lessons in the hands of traders.

Trading Commodity Options with Creativity is Now Available!

In 2008 I published my first book titled Commodity Options with FT Press. At the time, I had been in the commodity business for four long years (at that age, four years seems like an eternity). In my naivety believed I had seen and experienced it all and, therefore, could never top my creation. 


I could not have been more wrong. I now know the commodity and financial markets have more in store for us than we could possibly predict or imagine. I also have a new appreciation for the complexity of options pricing at the hands of human emotions run amok. As you can imagine, chaotic and passionate price changes are great for option buyers but can be devastating for option sellers. As I learned some of these lessons the hard way, I was set on taking what I started in 2008 with Commodity Options and recreating it in a bigger and better way using the trials and tribulations offered by the financial crisis, the Covid-19 economic shutdown, and everything in between.

Trading Commodity Options with Creativity was a labor of love. Writing this book took longer and far more effort than I had prepared to allocate to the project; I even contemplating shedding a tear or two as the mammoth task consumed my life at a time in which time itself was scarce (details are in the book). In the end, I am proud of the result and am confident the strategies, lessons, and examples in the book will help to keep traders grounded while shortening their commodity options trading learning curve. 


Carley Garner

Commodity Broker and Author at DeCarley Trading (a Division of Zaner Financial Services)