Important information regarding DeCarley's availability next week.

Written on 10/05/2019
Carley Garner

Zaner's trade desk will be handling DeCarley incoming calls on Wednesday, October 9th

We will be working from a remote office on Monday and Tuesday of next week (as we sort through some meetings regarding educational content distribution). However, you shouldn't notice a change in service level, we will be available as usual on those days. On Wednesday the 9th, we will not be available but we have arranged for Zaner's trade desk to handle incoming calls. They will be able to place trades, answer questions, etc. Thus, you probably won't even notice we are gone. 

Simply dial the same phone number you always call to reach us and a Zaner representative will answer.

If for some reason the forwarding doesn't work correctly, you can call Zaner directly using: **312-277-0105**. 

In case of an emergency, you can reach us by text message via our usual office number (702-947-0701). 

Thanks for your understanding and patience, we appreciate your business!

DeCarley Trading (a division of Zaner Financial Services)