DeCarley newsletters/alerts will be sent sparingly through the end of the year.

Written on 12/12/2018
Carley Garner

We will be spending the last two weeks of the year with friends and family, we hope you do the same. 

It is that time of volume and interest in the markets wane as traders focus on holiday activities. Rather than wasting your time, and ours, we will not be distributing regular newsletters until after the New Year. 

Should we see a trading opportunity or something interesting we would like to point out, we will send the DeCarley Perspective as usual. However, the frequency will be minimal. 

If you are enjoying a trial of our newsletters, we will extend it accordingly. 

In the meantime; if you have any questions, would like opinions, etc.  we would be happy to chat. Either send us an email, text message or give us a call at your convenience. 

Happy holidays, we appreciate your business!  

DeCarley Trading

1-866-790-8723 (TRADE)