Tangible assets are important to consider in an inflationary environment because they tend to retain or increase in value, providing a stable hedge against the declining purchasing power of currency. For these reasons, gold is considered a long-term asset class. Brien Lundin (@brien_lundin), Editor of the Gold Newsletter and CEO of New Orleans Investment Conference, discusses the political perspectives surrounding gold ownership. He returns to the Futures Edge with Jim Iuorio and Bob Iaccino to discuss the role of central banks in gold accumulation, concerns about government seizure of gold, and the value of rare coins. The discussion also touches on the challenges facing the diamond market due to lab-grown alternatives, the gold-silver ratio, and the future of Bitcoin in relation to gold.
00:00 Introduction and Conference Overview
02:54 The Significance of Gold in Investment
05:57 Political Perspectives on Gold
09:01 The Role of Central Banks and Gold
12:00 Gold's Safety and Government Seizure Concerns
15:06 The Value of Rare Coins
17:48 Diamonds vs. Lab-Grown Alternatives
20:59 Market Dynamics and Economic Insights
24:03 The Future of Bitcoin and Gold
26:58 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
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